About Us


Our Credo:  Do for someone else by proteins

3.8 billion-year long refinements and modifications made protein synthesis system flawless. Any kind of organism, from bacteria to human, has such a beautiful and amazing system. However, it is quite difficult to synthesize proteins artificially.

Is there any easier and affordable way to synthesize proteins? Our researches started from this simple question. Now we found the answer, and our findings can help the people who are struggling with synthesizing proteins as well as those who are suffering because these proteins are not available or very costly.

We launched the company, NUProtein, originating in Nagoya University, to provide these findings and technologies globally so you do not have to struggle with your proteins anymore.


Addr.3-20 Showa-cho, Tokushima, Tokushima, 770-0942 JAPAN


Mitsubishi UFJMotoyama branch0123111
ShokochukinKobe branch1150146
JapanNetBusiness Div1306822


CEO Masataka Minami

Nagoya University of Commerce and Business (MBA), Graduate school of Economics, Nagoya University (PhD candidate)

CTO, Hiroaki Tada

Director of Tokushima Lab.


Dec 9, 2016, we received the highest award from NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technolgy Development organization), one of the biggest grant agency run by MITI Japan.

We received several entrepreneur courses  at Stanford Research Institute (SRI)

As the demo day hold by JETRO and SV Forum, we presented and received the highest award. 

Aug 2nd, 2016, we established and registered the company, NUProtein Co., Ltd.

NUProtein is accredited as “Nagoya University originated” since the founder is PhD candidate at graduate school of Economics , designated professor at Nagoya University and got the exclusive right to use filed patent.

 NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technolgy Development organization), one of the biggest grant agency run by MITI Japan accept our proposal on Dec., 22, 2016.

We will get fund up to 35,000,000 yen for one year R&D.

We received capital loan from Japan Finance Corporation.

We received regional award from independents club.

BIOTECH grand prix run by Leave a nest, co.. We received Company Award from Rohto Pharmaceutical, appreciated very low cost cytokine for stem cell culture and for regenerative medicine. 

EY (Ernst & Young) Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 Japan Tokai / Hokuriku Tournament Award Ceremony was held at Nagoya Marriott Associa Hotel on October 4th and received the Entrepreneur Award.

On November 1st, at the CNB Venture Award 2017, hosted by the Chubu New Business Council, we received “Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Award”.

Selected as one of “J-TECH STARTUP 2017” in the certification system for leading technology ventures in Japan by TX Entrepreneur Partners (TEP), Nikkei Technology Online, and Real Development Conference.
We received an award for excellence in the “New Business Grant” of the venture support network NOBUNAGA21 by Juroku Bank, Nomura Securities and Tohmatsu.

At the KobexBrave event organized by Kobe City and Beyond Next Venture, we received the Brave Award, Kobe City Award, and Merck Award.

The Company implemented a third-party allotment with SRC Management Co., Ltd. as the underwriter.

Through this funding, we will strengthen the system, manufacture and sell growth factors manufactured in-house, and develop a translation solution for mass synthesis that can synthesize proteins quickly and inexpensively worldwide. We will do our utmost to rectify the “health gap” and contribute to the field of cultured meat using the same stem cell culture technology, and to contribute  “food security” and “sustainable production and consumption”.

September 3 The Nihon Keizai Shimbun article was posted about our business under the title “Produce protein cheaply”
October 10 Nihon Keizai Shimbun, 26th Anniversary of Kobe Medical Industry City 20th Anniversary Special Feature “Medical Capital” Kobe Next Startup Leap Introducing the Company

In the strategic infrastructure technology advancement support project (SAPPOIN), as a consortium of four organizations including our company (Tokushima Industry Promotion Organization, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Tokushima Prefectural Institute of Technology, our company) “Development of cell-free synthesis system for high protein expression that realizes cost reduction” was selected.

  • Planned period: From the date of granting in 2019 to the end of 2021
  • Grant (upper limit): 97,500 K yen in total for the scheduled period

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Shikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry decided to adopt “Strategic Fundamental Technology Advancement Support Project”

Japan Patent Office stated that NUProtein’s products are NOT falling under the technical scope of claim 3 of CellFreeScience’s JP3573358 patent as the conclusion of Hantei service.

What is Hantei
The Japan Patent Office, having a high degree of expertise regarding technology, design and goods, will render an official Hantei in a strictly neutral manner regarding whether the subject article falls under the technical scope of the patented invention in question within as soon as three months from the time of filing of theHantei demand
(quoted from Japan Patent Office web site)